Friday, August 17, 2007

Hello, Cyberspace!

With the prompting of a good friend, Adele, I am entering the world of blogging. She warned me that it can be addictive, so if this happens I hope someone will plan an intervention! My hope is that this will make it easier to keep in touch with friends and family and let them know what's happening at Roselawn. For anyone out there who doesn't know, we recently moved to a rural area and opened up a B&B. This was quite a transition for me, as I left a life where my parents, a lifetime of friends, Kohl's and Outback were easily accessible. We have been here for about 3 years now. Although I try, I have lost touch with a lot of friends from "back home". I'm hoping this blog will at least give them the opportunity to see what's going on in my life, and hopefully some of them will post comments. (Please??) I also hope to make new friends through this. Who knows, maybe my blog will even turn out to be a good marketing strategy for our Bed and Breakfast!!!


  1. Welcome to "cyberspace" Sherry and Paul. I love that you have a blog, it's such a great way to allow people to keep up with you, and I think you are right that it could be very adventageous for the B&B. Best of luck, and keep on blogging.

  2. Hi Sherry. I am impressed that you initiated a blog. It is the first I have read and responded to. I love the family picture, where was it taken? I hope your B&B is doing well. How has the Coffee House started out? That sounded like a great addition to the B&B. I enjoyed your description of your transition to the country life. Moving from the busy suburbs to your old neighborhood - I thought I had moved to the country and you have taken it much further! Can't wait to read about your teaching at a Community College!
