Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Finally, some warmer spring-like weather! We finished up our first month as owners/operators of the Keysville Vendors Mall. It has gotten busier there everyday with more and more vendors joining us in their business ventures. In two weeks, we will expand to doing an outdoor flea market as well.

I must admit, it makes for a crazy week for me... working 4 days a week, then doing the B&B and helping Paul on the weekends while also doing the "mom thing" but God has given me the strength to manage so far! Joan (Paul's sister) is back to stay for a while, so that will make things easier. By the way, she has a program on her computer that does crazy things with images, and here's one we made a while back... I just love my self!

Haven't done a Kiara Quote in a while, so here's one that happened recently:

When asking Paul to sign some forms for me, Kiara interjected... "Don't do it, Daddy. They could be divorce papers!"


  1. I just love the Kiara quote! She really looks out for you guys. ;)

  2. That quote is too funny.

    boy, you are busy. I imagine a b & b to be a very hands on job...and you are doing other things. Wow, you must have a ton of energy.

    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted
