Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Grand Opening and Snow

The official opening for Paul's Vendor's Mall was Sunday. Luckily, we had a "practice" opening the day before because then along came a huge snow storm that kept everyone at home. We had a good number of people come by to check out the new attraction in Keysville, although all of the spaces aren't quite filled yet. We are hoping for more at the weather gets warmer and people venture out to see what it's all about.
This is the first "real" snowstorm we've had since moving out here. It was beautiful, but having no electricity got a little old. It finally came back on yesterday late afternoon. Here are some pics of our Winter Wonderland.

Okay, I'm ready for spring now!


  1. Love the sign for the vendor mall! We love the style and how nicely done it is. The winter pictures are beautiful but we agree no electric stinks. can't wait to visit the vendor mall.

  2. Wow, the sign is beautiful. We cant wait to see it!
