Sunday, January 6, 2008

First Post of 2008

Wow! It has been about 2 weeks since my last post--Guess we've been busier than I even realized. Paul, Kiara and I welcomed in 2008 at our friends' house where we ate, watched fireworks, stayed warm by a bonfire and counted down to midnight! (One of the daughters of this family is pictured below with Kiara looking at the trains.) I recently discovered that a very good friend of mine from college is closely related to them. That's life in small-town America!

Paul's sister, Joan, and a friend of hers is here visiting us now. We are having a great time just hangin' out! Joan stayed at Roselawn for a few months when we first bought the place, so she has seen it since the visionary stage. She actually had her hand in transforming a lot of the areas in the house. Thanks, Joan!

Guess I'd better be a good hostess and get back to visiting!


  1. okay, I have been checking to see your list of favorite thing. You are right, I did forget to put teapots on my list. How could I forget that???? I should do another list of favorite things. I left so many things off. Okay, I will keep checking back. I am so glad we have our blogs to keep in touch. Happy New Year to you all.

  2. Hi Sherry! I just got your package today-Hooray!!! I LOVE getting total surprise presents in the mail-especially when they are so cool! The book is great and the pictures are hilarious. My knitticism for the day is,

    "You look at your cat or dog and think of all that good fiber just going to waste".


    Thanks so much for thinking of me!


  3. Just wanted to stop in and say I enjoy reading your blog :) I am going to do a tour of homes tag list from my blog at the end of this week and I'd love to add you to the list. I want to see photos of your B&B :)

