Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This evening Kiara and I were watching t.v. together after school when a commercial came on for the new show featuring the father and son who used to build motorcycles together. They apparently could not get along and the son left the show and opened his own shop. After hearing the struggle of this adult son in dealing with their seemingly irreconcilable differences, Kiara replied, "Maybe we should take him in for foster care until he has things settled."

It got me thinking how blessed I am to have such wonderful parents who always supported me throughout my life, even into adulthood. My parents were always my best friends. I am so lucky to have had a great relationship with my dad while he was here, and I am also blessed to have my mom still here to share my life with. I love my parents!!!


  1. aaah, you are a wonderful daughter. I want you to know that you are loved very much!...That was so cute what Kari said about foster care, lol

  2. You really are lucky. Great parents don't come along every day. Your parents look great in these pictures.

  3. What a sweet thing for your daughter to say...it shows she has a generous and kind heart.

    Glad you read through your book. I am eager to see how going chapter by chapter is going to play out. I am also interested to see how the Holy Spirit is speaking to everyone about friendship (intimacy and friendship).

    thanks Sherry for sharing ...

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted

  4. Oh...and is that picture by the water you? what a beautiful picture of a beautiful girl. Your hair looks pretty ...!

    mama to 8
    one homemade and 7 adopted
