Saturday, July 11, 2009

Last Weekend's Beach Trip

Fun at Ocean Breeze Park.

The kids got to drive around the military base on our friend's Gator.

Paul entertained us with his Mad Scientist experiments using dry ice during our down time.

Say hello to "Hermie", Kiara's newest pet. She chose the shell painted like a bunny. If Hermie only knew what he was carrying around on his back!

The governor of Virginia stayed a few doors down in this beach cottage on base. We saw him hanging out on the front porch.

I got to visit with a friend from college that I haven't seen in 18 years!

A family pictue.


  1. That was the busiest post ever! Congratulations on the ice cream shop! I wish I was there - we'll have to make our way down there soon.

  2. Lots of good times in Keysville! Love your blog!!

  3. I bet Kari was having a great time driving the Gator....nice pictures, thanks for sharing

  4. Iknow I had fun at the waterpark you should of gotten kiki to ride the huicane.
