Monday, September 1, 2008

New Computer

We had to replace our virus-infested computer with a new one, so I've been busy setting up my e-mail, adding bookmarks, and learning the nuances of Vista. Still haven't been able to get my pictures and Roselawn documents off of the last one. For that I think we'll call in an expert. I can't even get it to boot up. Lesson learned.. back up everything right away- on an external drive if possible.

Life outside of the technological realm is going well. We're all off for Labor Day but don't have anything special planned. Just hangin' around the house relaxing, I guess. Should probably be turning over two room from guests that left recently, but maybe that can wait. There's not a whole lot to do around Keysville, although we did go to the high school football game on Friday night, and friends came over last night to "porch sit" with us. I'll be taking a break from small town living to go to GERMANY in November with my mom and brother! Looking forward that.

Kiara's Quote: Looking at the inspection sticker and county decals on the car windshield, Kiara asked, "What'd you have to do to win those stickers?"


  1. Sorry to hear your old computer couldn't be saved. I agree with the lesson learned tho, both Selena and I have external drives that we sync up with regularly, just in case.

  2. Germany! That's awesome! Is Kiara going? Nick told me all about Kiara's cell phone call and one word conversation. We miss you!
