I have gotten a few inquiries about my blog being so far behind, so here's my first attempt to get back in the groove! Thanks to those of you who cared enough to check in with me to see if I'd been blogknapped! I'm still around, but busier than I'd like to be. I started working full time again with an agency called Piedmont Healthy Families. Basically what I do it go into the homes of first time at-risk moms and guide them in becoming positive parents. I enjoy my new job, but the adjustment back to working full time has been a bit of a challenge. I've been out of town A LOT for trainings, and when I get home I switch to my other job of being innkeeper, wife and mom.
The B&B has been doing really well lately. We have had several long-termers stay with us. We we have one of our rental houses rented out, but the other one has run into some problems and the renters just moved out, so we are in the process of trying to decide whether to find other renters or just sell it. Paul is also still working on buying that commercial building I mentioned several months ago.
Kiara is finally done with school- as of last Wednesday... Yay! It was a long, hard year but she got through it. She has been busy with softball and is just getting back into horse riding lessons.
We have had lots of family visit over the past several months and are looking forward to Paul's sister, Chris, and her husband who are coming next week.
As you can tell, we have been very busy at Roselawn... but I will try to do better at keeping up with my blog... so don't give up on me yet!!!